Sunday 5 May 2013

Double Page Spread in BBC Wildlife Magazine

I'm always very pleased to have my images published in BBC Wildlife magazine as it's a magazine I've read on a regular basis since my teens. Back then I remember looking at the photography in the magazine with a mixture of awe and admiration, never did I imagine that one day I would see my own images published in the magazine.

Anyway, I'm particularly pleased to have achieved my first double page spread in BBC Wildlife magazine. It's an image I took last year of a newly emerged Four-Spotted Chaser dragonfly. I took it with my 35mm macro lens which is what gives the image the unusual combination of close-focus and (relatively) wide angle background. It's one of my favourite images and so I'm particularly pleased that they chose this one. They've cropped the image slightly and flipped it horizontally but it still looks very nice in my humble opinion (although the image below is just a quick snap of the magazine so doesn't look great).


They also published my image of a mating pair of Common Frogs in the Q&A section. I did well this month!


  1. congratulation, Matt..
    It is a great achievement

    I am a beginner in Macro Photography and find a lot of tips & techniques in this blog which I am pretty sure will help me a lot improving my skill.

    Thank you for the generosity sharing your knowledge here



  2. Thanks very much and you're welcome.
