Thursday 28 February 2013

Wildlife Trusts Image Use

It's nice to see some of my images being used by the Wildlife Trusts again, this time in one of their regional magazines ('Local Wildlife'). The main image is mine as are three of the images in the bottom right hand corner.

I'm growing increasingly impatient waiting for for spring to start here in the UK. If it would only warm up a bit then I'm sure the ladybirds would begin to reappear. Alongside daffodils, they mark the start of spring for me and certainly the start of this year's insect photography...


Wednesday 13 February 2013

Wideangle Fungi

I recently posted some Autumn fungi images taken in the Charnwood Forest last November (see here) and in that post I mentioned that I also took some wideangle fungi images on my visits to Charnwood.  These were taken with my Tokina 10-17mm fisheye lens and a selection are provided below.


The first two are Sulphur Tuft together with some Candle Snuff fungi:

Bracket fungi:

A trio of Amethyst Deceivers:

A finally, a Fly Agaric image from 2011:

Sunday 3 February 2013

Collaboration with Ross Hoddinott

I imagine most readers of this blog are already familiar with Ross Hoddinott and his photography but for those that aren't, Ross is a very talented photographer who specialises in macro and landscape photography. He is the author of numerous books and regularly features in magazines such as Outdoor Photography.

Ross is currently preparing a new book on Macro and Close-up Photography and I'm pleased to say that he has asked me to contribute to one of the chapters. Ross very much favours the use of natural light in his macro photography but was keen for his chapter on lighting to also discuss the use of flash. I have therefore prepared three 'spreads' for the chapter, one on the general use of flash in macro photography, one on the use of ringflash and twinflash and finally one on the use of outdoor studios (e.g. the Meet Your Neighbours style). A number of my images will also feature.


The book will discuss all aspects of macro and close-up photography and is written in Ross' highly accessible style. It is due out in Autumn and I'm sure I'll do a blog post on it once it is published.

For more information on Ross and his photography click here to visit his website.