Thursday 4 February 2016

Top 10 Images of 2015

A house move and significant new responsibilities in my day job have meant it's taken me 5 weeks to get around to posting my favourite images of 2015. Better late than never I hope!

Looking back at my reviews of previous years they strike me as rather self indulgent (!) so I won't bother with a review of 2015 other than to make a couple of brief comments. I took fewer photos than in previous years largely due to house renovation and the job responsibilities referred to above but, for some reason, I published far more articles and images in magazines than in previous years (previous blog posts will refer to some of these). I also had an image Highly Commended in the British Wildlife Photography Awards which was nice. In terms of my actual photography in 2015 I particularly enjoyed playing with my new Laowa 15mm wideangle macro lens and several of the images below were taken with that lens.

Despite not taking a huge number of images in 2015 there were a few that I liked. So what follows are my favourites based on my entirely subjective preferences.


I always enjoy seeing Tawny Mining Bees in spring and was particularly pleased to capture this female against a blue sky

 The first of my images taken with the Laowa 15mm macro. This is a Blue-Tailed Damselfly photographed early in the morning

Another bee in sunshine, this time an Andrena Haemorrhoa mining bee

A Brown Lipped Snail in its aquatic habitat, taken with the Laowa 15mm

A backlit Drinker Moth caterpillar

A wideangle Blue-Tailed Damselfly

and a wideangle Common Darter

The smaller fly on the left had caught and was devouring the larger fly (more info here)

This image is perhaps nothing special as a standalone image but this was the first time I'd seen a Roesel's Bush Cricket at my small local reserve

and finally another wideangle Common Darter

So perhaps not the most varied selection of images but they're all images that I enjoyed taking for various reasons.